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In object oriented programming language construction is done by constructing objects. We use objects to interact with each other to send and receive messages. A program can have number of objects and each object can be given a different task.
OOPS concepts includes:
1)Data Abstraction
Data Abstraction:
Abstraction refers essential features without including the background details or explanations. Classes uses the concept of Abstraction.
Storing data and objects as a single unit is called encapsulation. Data of one object cannot be accesible to other objects. Methods defined in class only can access the code defined in the class.
Inheritance is the process where the objects of one class acquires the features of another class. Inheritance provides reusability like adding additional features to a class with out modifying it.
Polymorphism means ability to take more than one form. The behaviour depends on the data types uses in the operation. Polymorphism is achieved through inheritance.
Hi, Nice description about Oops Concepts in java.Thanks, its really helped me......