Tuesday 18 October 2011

Bug life cycle video free download


Bug life cycle:
The different states of bug are summarized as follows:
1)      New: When the bug is posted for first time it will be in new  state .In this state bug is not approved state.

2)      Open: When the bug is posted for first time lead will check whether the bug is genuine or not, if it is genuine he will approve the bug and change the state as open. 

3)      Assign: Once the lead assigns the state as open he will assign the bug to the corresponding team. The state of the bug is now assign.

4)      Test: Once the developer fixes the bug, he need to assign to testing team for next  round of testing. Before releasing the software with bug fix he will assign the state as Test.

5)      Deferred: The bug is in deferred state means it is to fixed in next  releases. The reason for changing the defect to deferred state has many factors. Some of them are priority may be low,  lack of the time for release or the bug may not have major effect on the software. 

6)      Rejected :If the developer feels the bug is not genuine he rejects the bug, then the state of bug is  rejected. 

7)      Verified: If the bug is not present in the software he approves that bug is approved and changes the state to verified.

8)      Reopened: If the bug is fixed by developer and the tester still finds the bug he will change the status to reopened. Once the bug is reopened it  passes the lifecycle once again.

9)      Closed: once the bug is fixed by developer, if it s  no longer exists in the software he changes the status to closed. This state means bug is fixed, tested and approved that bug does’nt exists no more.

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